Do you feel like something isn’t right with your legs, but can’t find answers?
Or perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with early stage lipoedema but having challenges with understanding how to manage it?
You’ve landed in the right place.
Navigate Lipoedema is a resource dedicated to helping women with suspected early stage lipoedema reach earlier diagnosis and treatment earlier.
What is lipoedema?
Lipoedema is a disease of the loose connective tissues (LCT), and is a complex chronic condition characterised by abnormal distribution and buildup of painful fat and connective tissue in the extremities. It’s a genetic condition that almost exclusively affects women.
The abnormal fat distribution often causes a distinctive ‘column-like’ shape to the legs, and the tissue is usually painful, bruises easily and characteristically full of ‘nodules’ that may feel like grains of rice, or walnuts. Legs often feel heavy and experience swelling. Leaky vessels cause a buildup of fluid in the tissue, causing the lymphatics to struggle with fluid clearance. This fluid causes chronic inflammation, which leads to the formation of fibrosis throughout the tissue.
Despite being first described in the 1940’s, few physicians in Australia are aware of it and self-diagnosis if often the starting point for many women who have lipoedema.
Take control of your lipoedema journey with tools, knowledge and customised support.
Navigate Your Path to Diagnosis and Treatment with Confidence
Follow a structured 5-step process to navigate the path to diagnosis and treatment, based on real experience.
Research Library With Regularly Updated Resources
Access a collection of research and resources to help you build your lipoedema management plan.
Managing Your Early Stage Lipoedema Step by Step
Navigate your path to diagnosis and treatment with a comprehensive 5-step process.
Defining Your Healthcare team
Getting to Diagnosis
Researching Treatment
Documenting Your Plan
Test, Reflect and Adjust
Compression Therapy for Lipoedema: Why is it important?
Learn about compression therapy for lipoedema, from compression garments to pneumatic devices.
Nourishing Skincare for Lipoedema: Natural Whipped Body Butter Recipe
When I was first diagnosed with lipoedema, I already had an established skin care routine for my legs and body. However, I didn’t realize just how crucial proper lipoedema skin care would be in managing my condition, it's not something that was ever discussed in...
Lipoedema Symptom Relief: Lymphatic Massage Gloves
I’m always looking for products that can help with lipoedema symptoms, particularly pain and swelling. Thankfully of all the products I try, there's rarely one that isn't a great addition to my self-care routine, even if it doesn't impact my lipoedema symptoms...
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