It’s hard to get help for early stage lipoedema. 



The signs and symptoms are often still quite subtle, and it can be very hard to work out which medical professional can help.  But early diagnosis and treatment of lipoedema can help to  prevent a lifetime of worsening pain, immobility and chronic health issues.

I have stage 1 disease and I’ve reduced my symptoms to almost nothing, using only conservative methods so far – nutrition, shockwave, exercise (weights and hydrotherapy) and compression.
I created Navigate Lipoedema to help other women with early stage lipoedema achieve similar outcomes.

With almost two decades working in medical technology space in product commercialisation – including some time in medical research – I’m familiar with the health system and I know my way around a clinical paper.

I decided to approach my health as I would a medical product launch, and built a ‘strategic plan’ for lipoedema diagnosis and management. I researched, trialled and defined my own treatment program, and I had it almost perfected by the time I reached formal diagnosis (which required 4 clinicians in total) within 12 months.

I ignored the common narrative that I heard repetitively:

There’s not enough research and there’s no cure, so all you can do is manage symptoms’.

Name Goes Here

I understand it, but I don’t find it helpful for a healthy mindset. 

What you’ll find on Navigate Lipoedema is an outline of how I drove my own diagnosis pathway, and how I built out my lipoedema management program without wasting time and thousands of dollars. If it helps just one more woman get relief from pain and frustration, it’s been worth it. 

Toni x

Work With Me

If you’re having challenges with your diagnostic journey, or you’re feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of building your lipoedema management program, I can help.